It can be overwhelming, I know. Do you start out by reading a book of the bible? Should you do a topical study? Are their special tools you need for an effective study? Is it important to study at the same time every day and for the same length of time? Should you have a special place for your study?
The answers are going to be different for everyone. Some people prefer to study one-on-one with God. They want to be fully in His word and listening to Him all by themselves. Others prefer a small-group setting giving them the opportunity to share with and learn from others. While others still like to meet in a large group where they can benefit from others knowledge and experience, but can also stay a bit in the background until they are comfortable.
As far as where and when? Do it where you can and when you can. You may be blessed to have peaceful morning time where you can do your study before the day takes over and gets busy.
When I was in sales, I carried a big, red bag in my car. In it, you would find my Bible, a devotional, my journal, my current Bible study and a couple articles I had printed. As my day allowed depending on my appointments, I would find a place to stop and enjoy my lunch time while I studied. It was perfect for me-a busy mom who worked outside of the home. It’s just important that you find what will work best for you.
This week’s show is all about Bible study. Our special guest, Patti Damiani talks about her experiences leading Bible studies, and our group shares what study we are currently involved in. You can view it right here.
If you are interested in finding a study at a local church, online or to do on your own, check out the information below. Please share in the comments section what study you are currently doing, what study method works best for you and anything else that may help others along the way. We love hearing from you!
The Traverse City First Church of the Nazarene:
Women's Bible study which meets Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:00 P.M.. Our current study is "Becoming a Vessel God can use," by Donna Partow. There is no registration, just come as you are. If there should be any questions they can contact me at (231) 269-4306.
East Bay Calvary:
Small Groups: Sunday Nights6pm-Life Group (sponsored by Cornerstone ABF) Bible study group for young couples. Contact Pastor Adam (645-5007)
Tuesday Hearts 4 God Ladies Small Groups 9:30am-11:45am A weekly special feature, teaching time, and small group time at church. Studying Beth Moore’s book Breaking Free. Contact: Shirley Bell (946-2232)
Men’s Fraternity (Beginning September 16) —Early morning men’s gathering, in the Outpost (Rm. 112a), teaching men how to live lives of authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ. Contact: Barry Newcomb (943-0385) 6:30pm
Women’s Group (Room 114a) - An evening small group study for the ladies studying Beth Moore’s book, Breaking Free. Contact Deb Manley (267-5667) 6:30pm-
Parenting Class (Room 114b) sponsored by Homebuilders ABF) (Starting October 7) A biblical study of parenting using the Growing Families International curriculum. Contact: Pastor Dallas (590-2215) 6:45pm—
Men’s Group (Conference Room) —Discussion of the book, Disciplines of a Godly Man by Kent Hughes. Contact: Jeff Hubbell (360-7308) 6:45pm—
Life Group (sponsored by Foundations ABF) This group will be reviewing The Truth Project worldview study, meeting weekly in Room 203. Contact: Tim Esckelson (947-8234) Thursday Night7pm-
Men’s Group (sponsored by Maratha ABF) Currently meeting at Knorr Marketing and discussing the book, “Experiencing The Heart of Jesus”. Contact: Doug Knorr (218-1747) 7pm-
Life Group (sponsored by the Lightbearers ABF) Home Bible Study at Dave and Penny Green’s. Contact: Dave Green (943-7779)
Faith Reformed Church
Womens Bible Study Thursday nights from 6:30 – 8:30 at room 110 of the main campus of Faith Reformed on Front Street (right at Front and Garfield). We are doing the study “To Live is Christ” by Beth Moore.
Northern Lakes Community Church
Bible Study at Clancy's Kitchen in Interlochen at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesdays. Contact Pastor Mike Riggins at 935-4556 for more info.
Women's Bible Study group that meets at someones house on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Contact Kim Scherrer at 941-7095 for more info.
First Baptist Church TC
Women's Bible Study group that meets at someones house on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Contact Kim Scherrer at 941-7095 for more info.
First Baptist Church TC
Bible Study Sundays at 930am. Currently studying the Book of James for 12 weeks.
West Side Community Church
Gal Time meets at West Side Community Church from 7-8:30pm Tuesday evenings. Our study is Fearless by Max Lucado.
Single Moms Bible Study begins in October.
Redeemer Presbyterian Church has a once a month evening Ladies Study.We are going through the book "The Excellent Wife" by Martha Peace.Each chapter stands on its own so it is easy to join in at any time. We are located at 402 West Ninth Street, Traverse City, MI 49684.Our telephone number is 231-946-1700.
Bible Baptist Believing God by Beth Moore Cost is $17 for workbook Monday 6:30 PM Church.Tuesday 9:30 AMTuesday 6:30 PM Kingsley Email for more information.
Single Moms Bible Study begins in October.
Redeemer Presbyterian Church has a once a month evening Ladies Study.We are going through the book "The Excellent Wife" by Martha Peace.Each chapter stands on its own so it is easy to join in at any time. We are located at 402 West Ninth Street, Traverse City, MI 49684.Our telephone number is 231-946-1700.
Bible Baptist Believing God by Beth Moore Cost is $17 for workbook Monday 6:30 PM Church.Tuesday 9:30 AMTuesday 6:30 PM Kingsley Email for more information.
Christ The King The Patriarchs by Beth Moore. Order your workbook online at January 14 from 2-4pm for 11 weeks ending March 25. Contact K. Tiffany
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Participants will learn different methods of prayer, develop a greater familiarity and appreciation of Scripture in daily living and get to know more about our Catholic Spirituality based on teachings of the Fathers of the Church, the Desert tradition and the saints. Tuesday at 7:00 Contact Beth Hicks at 947-4620 ext. 247 or e-mail
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Participants will learn different methods of prayer, develop a greater familiarity and appreciation of Scripture in daily living and get to know more about our Catholic Spirituality based on teachings of the Fathers of the Church, the Desert tradition and the saints. Tuesday at 7:00 Contact Beth Hicks at 947-4620 ext. 247 or e-mail
First Congregational Church
Women's Bible study. Currently going through the Old Testament. Mondays, 5:30 PM at the church. Contact Linda Keely at 223-7244.
Men's Fraternity The Great Adventure. Thursday mornings at 6:30 at the church. Contact Jan Vlach at 929-1577.
Men's Fraternity The Great Adventure. Thursday mornings at 6:30 at the church. Contact Jan Vlach at 929-1577.
Thursday morning Bible study. Thursdays at 9:30 AM at the church. Led by retired Rev. Dr. Ron Geschwendt. Call the church office (947-6698) for more information.
Men's Bible Study. Fridays at 10 AM. Contact the church at 947-6698 for more information.
Wayfarers Bible Study. Sundays at 7 PM at the church. Contact Gregg Law at 941-4964.
Wednesday night classes:Parenting Class using John Rosemond's book "Parenting By The Book." Contact Wayne Swallow at 941-4698.
Contending for the Christian Worldview using Michael Wittmer's book "Heaven Is A Place On Earth." Contact Rev. Dr. Gary Hogue at 947-6698.
The Alpha Course. A basic introduction to the Christian faith. Contact the church office at 947-6698.
A course on Islam. Contact the church office at 947-6698.
If you want are looking for ideas for studying on your own:
This online study begins September 28.
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